What does learning for sustainability mean for me?
This section supports you to find out more about what Learning for Sustainability is and how it relates to the Professional Standards for Teachers. This section will be frequently updated with new content, so please do be sure to revisit.
1. What is learning for sustainability?
Learning for sustainability is an approach to life and learning. Making a professional commitment to learning and learners that is compatible with the aspiration of achieving a sustainable and equitable world embodies what it is to be a teacher in Scotland.
Find out more in this short narrated animation.

2. A professional guide for teachers
This professional guide aims to help you understand your responsibility to embed learning for sustainability in your teaching as part of a whole setting approach.
It also looks at ways to inspire and motivate learners to address the challenges of learning to live within the environmental limits of our planet and to build a just, equitable and peaceful society.
Learning for sustainability: a professional guide for teachers
3. Teaching professionals’ experiences with learning for sustainability
We asked teaching professionals to share their experiences of exploring learning for sustainability in relation with their own values, learning and teaching.
Fiona Savage, Initial Teacher Education Lecturer, Edinburgh Napier University
4. Learning for unsustainability? – Dr Beth Christie
We invited Dr Beth Christie, Senior Lecturer / Programme Director: Learning for Sustainability programme, University of Edinburgh to provide a provocation as part of our Ethics and the Teaching Profession programme.
Transcript – Learning for unsustainability? – Dr Beth Christie