Health and wellbeing as a teacher
GTC Scotland has created and curated a variety of resources and advice to support teacher and lecturer health and wellbeing. Many of these resources were developed during lockdown and the transition back into schools during the Covid-19 pandemic, but they contain useful wellbeing tools that are relevant to any time.
We would appreciate your feedback on the hub and the resources.

Taking care of yourself
Immediate Support: Helplines
- Breathing Space – A confidential out-of-hours telephone line for people experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression: 0800 83 85 87
- Education Support – Anyone in education can call the free and confidential helpline run by Education Support: 08000 562561
- Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Hotline – 24-hour helpline if you feel scared of your partner or if you are worried about someone you know: 0800 027 1234
- The Samaritans – A free 24-hour telephone helpline for anyone struggling to cope. Telephone 116 123 or email
GTC Scotland resources for teachers from health and wellbeing experts
Dealing with uncertainty
Claire Lavelle looks at practical strategies to focus attention on what we can control when we cannot be physically present with children, young people and their families.
- John Fisher transition curve
- My New Story – developing coherence for wellbeing
- Self-compassion exercise
De-stressing stress
Paul Mills, Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist presented the De-stressing Stress series of webinars, which can be found in the resource section of MyPL.
Feeling the burn?
Cultivating self-renewal practices during recovery – Claire offers coaching support and strategies on cultivating key self-renewal practices to sustain energy, optimism and self-efficacy during challenging times.
Grief and loss
Hugh Smith explores how normal feelings of grief and loss, if left unchecked, can have a negative impact on your mental health and wellbeing within the workplace and home setting.
Impact of Racial Discrimination on Health and Wellbeing
Khadija Mohammed, Yasmeen Hussain, Marcia Edwards and Sharon Smith discussed racial discrimination issues, how they impact teachers’ wellbeing and learn about what we can do to combat the effects of discrimination and abuse.
Looking after your mental wellbeing during the school holidays (and beyond during the Covid-19 pandemic – Dr Emma Hepburn
Making the transition
Claire takes a closer look at making the transition back to our learning communities, what the new normal might look like, and how we might balance our workload and expectations.
Reenvisaging the new normal
Taking stock and staying centred in uncertain times
Claire offered self-coaching strategies to support educators in taking stock of where their own wellbeing needs are being met and where they might consider a more self-compassionate and resourceful approach.
Teacher resilience
Hugh Smith explores the complex area of teacher resilience, and how this should be viewed as a natural link to professional values.
Transforming the emotional load
We may have been left reeling emotionally from the speed and nature of the changes such as: losing our sense of purpose, our role, our connection with our pupils and families. In this webinar, Claire discusses some of the possible impacts of carrying this “emotional load” as we progress through lockdown.
- A technique used in a Narrative Therapy Approach
- Making attributions and examining limiting beliefs
- Using the Empowerment Dynamic and Drama Triangle
Reducing feels of stress
Sarah Philp has created resources and techniques for you to use to support you in reducing feelings of stress, help you sleep and soothe your soul.
- Relaxation resources
- Writing for wellbeing
- Check-in with your wellbeing using the Wheel of Life coaching tool
- Let it be easy – set yourself up for success
- Time well spent – think about time and how you use it
- Holding liminal space – fear and uncertainty and how we can harness it for our own mental wellbeing
- Sarah argues that we are ‘human beings’ not ‘human doings’ and need to reclaim the time to think
Taking care of each other
- Andy Hargreaves: Professional capital, collective autonomy and the fight of our lives
- Health and Safety Executive: Stress and Mental Health at Work
- Scottish Government: Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing
- SAMH: Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of School Staff
- Talking Toolkit - Six conversation templates with accompanying resources that can be used to support wellbeing
Resources curated by GTC Scotland
- Being a Leader in a New World – Claire Lavelle offers a time for reflection as she looks at how leaders can move forward post-lockdown
- Developing a Wellness Community of Practice – Hugh Smith shares how a wellness community of practice might become a central activity in keeping teacher mental health and wellbeing ‘in check’
- Impact of Racial Discrimination on Health and Wellbeing – Khadija Mohammed, Yasmeen Hussain, Marcia Edwards and Sharon Smith discussed racial discrimination issues, how they impact teachers’ wellbeing and learn about what we can do to combat the effects of discrimination and abuse
- Serve, lead, serve: Sarah Philp poses three reflective questions to ask yourself in relation to serving and leading in challenging times
- Staff wellbeing – Claire shares coaching questions, strategies and approaches to support educators’ wellbeing as they make the staged transition from lockdown to their respective schools and settings
- Workplace Tension and Partnership Working – Hugh considers teacher professionalism and wellbeing in the current context and provides the opportunity to reflect on the challenges of workplace tension and partnership working to build positive solutions for now and the future
Taking care of our learners
National Improvement Hub resources
Health and wellbeing and the Professional Values
The professional values include a commitment to understand and promote the health and wellbeing of yourself, colleagues, and learners.
But this can only be successful when you begin by focusing on your wellbeing. Teachers need to practice self-care to be able to support the wellbeing of others. Please seek support when you need it.
When you have this focus, you can aspire to:
- understand the importance of good health and wellbeing
- build positive and purposeful relationships
- provide and ensure a safe and secure environment for all learners and colleagues
- promote a caring and compassionate ethos
These factors combined support learning and wellbeing across our learning communities.