Registration fee overview
The annual registration fee is £65 for all registrants.
This includes teachers and college lecturers who: work part-time hours; work on supply; are on parental leave; are retirees who wish to maintain their registration; or are working outside Scotland and wish to maintain their registration.
The registration fee is for the period 1 April – 31 March. The fee remains the same irrespective of the point during this period at which you join or leave the Register. It will not be reduced pro rata.
Payment of the annual registration fee is taken between March and June each year, depending on your employment context. See ‘How do I pay my registration fee?’ for further guidance.
As part of your registration with GTC Scotland, you need to ensure your contact details are correct. If you do not keep your details up to date it may lead to a delayed or missed payment, which could result in your removal from the Register. Find out how to update your details.
While efficiency savings and planned use of reserves are sufficient to fund our work for the beginning of our 2023-2028 strategic planning period, the level of the registration fee will be kept under review and may need to increase to ensure GTC Scotland’s financial sustainability.
The annual registration fee is teachers’ individual contribution to their collective responsibility as a self-regulating profession.