

GTC Scotland is governed by a Council of 37 members, the majority of whom are elected teachers or college lecturers.

  • 19 elected registered teachers
  • 11 educational stakeholder nominees
  • 7 lay members appointed by an independent Appointments Committee

Council members have a significant role in shaping the teaching profession of Scotland, maintaining and improving professional standards and contributing to the development of teacher professionalism and Scottish education.

Role of Council members

The Council’s role is to:

  • ensure GTC Scotland meets its statutory functions and aims;
  • provide strategic leadership;  
  • exercise financial supervision and control;
  • ensure that GTC Scotland is managed and run by the Chief Executive effectively and responsibly.

The Council fulfils its governance role by:

  • setting strategic plans and strategic policy;
  • ensuring the performance of GTC Scotland against its strategic plans and performance indicators;
  • ensuring that GTC Scotland meets its public reporting requirements by approving the annual report;
  • agreeing financial budgets, monitoring financial performance and approving the annual accounts;
  • ensuring that effective risk management and audit arrangements are in place to provide assurance of operational management and delivery as well as legal compliance;
  • reviewing and agreeing Council’s governance framework;
  • ensuring that GTC Scotland has employment policies and procedures in place to provide assurance that it is acting as a responsible employer;
  • appointing and removing the Chief Executive.

Members of GTC Scotland Council must at all times observe the highest standards of impartiality, integrity and objectivity in performing their role.

They are governed by the Code of Conduct and Membership Scheme.

Council meetings

Council meetings take place four times a year, although special meetings may take place when required. These are open to the public.

You can learn more about Council meetings and find minutes from previous meetings using the link below.

Committees and panels

Much of the work of Council is conducted through its committees which have delegated responsibilities in certain areas.

The committees formulate and recommend policies for approval by Council and implement and monitor policies approved by Council. They also advise, inform, and put forward recommendations or proposals on other matters for Council or its other committees or sub-committees as appropriate.

Under the Public Services Reform (General Teaching Council for Scotland) Order 2011, we have flexibility to determine our own committee and panel structure.

In carrying out their functions and delegated responsibilities, all committees, sub-committees and panels are required to:

  • ensure that GTC Scotland meets its responsibilities to perform its functions in a way which appears to represent best regulatory practice
  • ensure that GTC Scotland acts legally and within its statutory authority
  • have regard to the interests of the public when carrying out their functions