Registration in an additional subject/sector overview

Professional (Additional) Registration allows teachers who hold Full Registration in primary or secondary (subject) categories to add additional subjects/sectors to their registration.

Applicants need to:

  • For registration in a secondary education category: meet the academic and/or professional learning requirement for registration in the additional subject in which registration is sought. For French, German, Mandarin, Italian and Spanish, this includes a residency requirement where applicants must have lived abroad in a country where the language(s) are spoken, during which they must have fully participated in the culture of the country and immersed themselves in the target language.
  • For registration in a different category (primary to secondary/secondary to primary): meet the Standard for Provisional Registration in the category (and subject if secondary education) in which registration is sought
  • For both the above: be recommended for registration in the additional area of registration by a headteacher or deputy headteacher with current Full (General) Registration with GTC Scotland

Applicants for Professional (Additional) Registration in an additional secondary education subject registration category (subject area), who do not fully meet the academic and/or foreign residency requirements, may still be considered for Provisional (Conditional) Registration in the additional secondary education category.

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