How to view all files uploaded to your MyPL

If you have previously uploaded a file to MyPL, you can view and download this file in either the Professional Learning (PL), Professional Review and Development (PRD) or Areas for Development (AFD) areas.

  1. Navigate to either the PL, PRD or AFD area of MyPL.
  2. On the left-hand side navigation bar, select the ‘My files and resource hub’ tab
  3. In the 'Search my files' box on the left-hand side of the page, click search to see the full list of files uploaded.
  4. If there is a larger number of files that have been uploaded, you may need to navigate through the pages of files by using the arrows at the bottom of the list.
  5. Once you’ve found the correct entry, use the download button in that row to download the file.
The content you are looking for is through this button

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