Managing your Professional Learning on MyPL

Link your learning to the Professional Standards

When you add a Professional Learning entry, you will have the option to first link the entry to the Professional Standards and then choose specific elements of the standards related to your learning.  

Search for an entry

You can search for any Professional Learning entries in the table by either name or date entered. To do this, click the ‘+ Search Professional Learning’ dropdown menu, enter either the title or date range, and click search.  

Delete or download an entry

  1. Select any entries you wish to delete or download using the checkboxes.  
  2. Click ‘Delete’ or ‘Download’.

Note:Deleted entries cannot be retrieved.  

Archive an entry

To hide an entry from the table, select the entry using the checkboxes and click ‘Archive’. A pop up will ask you to confirm that you wish to archive this entry, click ‘confirm’.

To see your archived entries, click on ‘Archived Entries’ located on the left-hand side toolbar.  From this area, you can delete, unarchive and download archived entries.

If you need to unarchive an entry:

  1. Go to your Archived Entries, and select the entry using the checkboxes
  2. Click 'Unarchive'. A pop up will ask you to confirm that you wish to unarchive this entry, click 'confirm'. The entry will be moved to the Professional Learning page.

Share an entry

  1. Check the checkbox(es) of the entry/ies you wish to share
  2. Click on ‘Share’ on the action bar above your table. A pop up will appear directing you how to share your records.
  3. Select who you want to share your records with. If you choose ‘Share with others’ you will need to enter the the email address of the recipient. You can also choose to set an expiry date.
  4. Click ‘share’
The content you are looking for is through this button

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