PR award:
Reading for Pleasure Pedagogy
South Lanarkshire Council’s UK Literacy Association (UKLA) / Open University

About the programme

Teachers’ Reading Groups, in association with Open University and the UK Literacy Association, have three specific aims:

  • to foster children’s reading for pleasure through supporting teachers’/members’ own reading for pleasure and research-informed practice;
  • to support the profession by building a professional community around reading for pleasure locally and online;
  • and to share teachers’/members’ resultant development work as Examples of Practice on the OU Reading for Pleasure website/with colleagues across South Lanarkshire.

Practitioners attend sessions over the course of one academic year. These structured, directed sessions provide opportunities for participants to engage with research literature, audit their own practice, participate in professional dialogue, work collaboratively and plan for professional enquiry in their own settings, leading to changes in classroom or school reading cultures and environments.