ITE profile


The ITE profile has been developed to give student teachers a place where they can record their strengths, development needs as they work towards the Standard for Provisional Registration (SPR) and plan for the Standard for Full Registration (SFR).

The profile sits within GTC Scotland’s Portal, which student teachers first use to complete the student application form.

There is a direct link between the ITE profile and the Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS) profile. If a student teacher proceeds to the Teacher Induction Scheme, the SFR development needs (targets and action) from the ITE profile will automatically be transferred over to the TIS profile at the point when the local authority probation manager allocates a supporter and headteacher. The information will then become the starting point for the TIS profile.  

Students who are taking the Flexible Route to complete probation should print off a copy of their profile and use the printed copy as a basis for discussion in their first few schools.

Access your profile

You can access your profile here using your existing username and password. The ITE Profile link is in the main navigation of your profile.

If you are unable to login to your profile or have any other queries please contact us.

Information on how to complete your ITE profile and to submit it to your tutor for approved is being updated.

Please refer to the document below for more information.