Windygoul Primary School currently has a roll of 815 pupils including a Nursery and Behaviour Base. As a school community it strives to develop its vision as a centre of excellence through inclusion, collaboration and community spirit. They are a learning community where achievements are celebrated and steps for improvement built on through shared dialogue and understanding. The voice of parents and the community is a strong feature and there is real belief in the impact of each person in the school being able to contribute and drive the learning forward. As part of this the children across the school community have developed the idea of ‘learning heroes’. There is no doubt the school is clearly having a significant impact on the learning culture of the cluster and Local Authority by sharing the ‘Windygoul way’.

“There is an outstanding culture of ‘Leadership of and for Learning’. The senior leadership team provide the framework and strategic direction for learning to be central in every way and model this though their own engagement in learning and commitment to developing collective knowledge. In summary the panel saw the following formula was abundantly evident:  Strategic vison + Culture + Focus = Learning.” (Extract from GTCS panel report 2017)