Kelso High School, Scottish Borders Council

Kelso High School in the Scottish Borders is an outward looking school that seeks opportunities beyond the learning campus to engage young people in real world life experiences to help raise attainment and achievement for all young people.

The Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team strongly believe that creating a culture for learning for all is vital to the success of the school and this is well supported with significant investment of time and resources. The learning culture puts teacher agency at the core of improvement, underpinned by a clear vision that supports growth for all learners. All staff were encouraged to take leadership roles and be innovative and creative to improve the life chances of all the young people.The GTCS Team who visited the school were impressed by the positive culture and ethos that promotes and supports Professional Learning and felt that this was reflected in the positive relationships between all members of the learning community and, in particular, the peer support staff offered to each other as staff learn about their learning together.

The model of Professional Learning and enquiry was demonstrated to support teachers as learners and there are excellent opportunities for collaborative learning across the learning community and beyond. Young people in this learning community benefited from their teachers undertaking practitioner enquiry and the young people feel their voices are heard and actioned.