Information about registrations
Registration data by category and status
The Register is organised into four categories of registration - primary education, secondary (subject) education, additional support needs and further education. The professional standards teachers uphold ensure that every registered teacher maintains their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to teaching learners with additional support needs. Where teachers hold specific registration in additional support needs, this reflects an area of individual specialism.
Table 11 shows the number of registrations broken down by registration category for 31 March 2023 and 31 March 2024. The numbers in these tables are not the same as the number of individual registrants, as some registrants are registered in more than one registration category. For interest, the number of registrants who hold these registrations is included in ‘Information about our registrants: Registrants and registrations’ section of this document.
*historical registration categories that are valid but no longer in active use
We currently award four registration status:
- Provisional Registration
- Provisional (Conditional) Registration
- Full Registration (General)
- Full Registration (Associate)
Table 12 below shows the total number of registrations, grouped by registration status. The number of Provisional Registrations and Provisional (Conditional) Registrations are included in the provisional registrations row with the number of Fully Registered (General) and Fully Registered (Associate) included in the full registrations row.
Over the 2023-24 registration year there has been a:
- 0.07% decrease in the number of primary education registrations;
- 1.25% decrease in secondary education registrations;
- 0.14% decrease in Additional Support Needs registrations
- 2.96% increase in further education registrations.
- 2.64% expected decrease in the number of registrations held in legacy categories (historical registration categories that are valid but no longer in active use). We believe numbers in these legacy categories will continue to reduce naturally over time.
- 0.59% decrease in all registrations
- 0.08% decrease in full registrations.
- 4.74% decrease in provisional registrations.
Secondary (Subject) Education registrations by subject
The table below (table 13) shows the number of secondary (subject) education registrations by subject as at 31 March 2023 and 31 March 24. Table 13 also contains the percentage variation over this 12 month period and this is shown on chart 8. Each of the subjects listed in table 13 and chart 8 contain the total number of registrations that relate to the subject descriptor – for example the numbers given for ‘Art and Design’ contain the number of registrations on the Register for ‘Art and Design’ and ‘Art’.
This list of subjects is not exhaustive and additional secondary (subject) education registrations are contained on the Register that are not included below. The subjects listed in table 13 and in chart 8 reflect the subjects listed in the Memorandum on Entry Requirements to Programmes of Initial Teacher Education in Scotland (September 2024) and registration data for registrations connected to, but not necessarily exactly identical to, these listed subjects have been included.
Over time the information we share may begin to identify trends and themes. Given the range of data presented at the current time, care should be taken about drawing any definitive conclusions.
<span id="chart-08" class="table_caption" style="text-align:center; margin: auto; display: block; padding-top: 3.5rem;" fs-test-element="reg-report-title-chart-08">Chart 8: percentage variation in Secondary (Subject) Education registrations from 31 March 2023 to 31 March 2024</span>

We can see from this that the 1.25% decrease in secondary (subject) education registrations is not an even decrease applied across all subjects. Instead we can see that registrations in some subjects increase and registrations in other subjects decrease at a rate greater than 1.25%.
To mitigate for impact on percentages when considering changes to smaller numbers, table 14 below includes the data from table 13 where the subject has a greater number of registrations than 1% of all secondary (subject) education registrations. There are 47,750 secondary (subject) education registrations at 31 March 2024 therefore subjects with registration numbers greater than 478 are included below. Table 14 is arranged to list these subjects by percentage variation.
Registration data by category and status
The Register is organised into four categories of registration - primary education, secondary (subject) education, additional support needs and further education. The professional standards teachers uphold ensure that every registered teacher maintains their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to teaching learners with additional support needs. Where teachers hold specific registration in additional support needs, this reflects an area of individual specialism.
Table 11 shows the number of registrations broken down by registration category for 31 March 2023 and 31 March 2024. The numbers in these tables are not the same as the number of individual registrants, as some registrants are registered in more than one registration category. For interest, the number of registrants who hold these registrations is included in ‘Information about our registrants: Registrants and registrations’ section of this document.
*historical registration categories that are valid but no longer in active use
We currently award four registration status:
- Provisional Registration
- Provisional (Conditional) Registration
- Full Registration (General)
- Full Registration (Associate)
Table 12 below shows the total number of registrations, grouped by registration status. The number of Provisional Registrations and Provisional (Conditional) Registrations are included in the provisional registrations row with the number of Fully Registered (General) and Fully Registered (Associate) included in the full registrations row.
Over the 2023-24 registration year there has been a:
- 0.07% decrease in the number of primary education registrations;
- 1.25% decrease in secondary education registrations;
- 0.14% decrease in Additional Support Needs registrations
- 2.96% increase in further education registrations.
- 2.64% expected decrease in the number of registrations held in legacy categories (historical registration categories that are valid but no longer in active use). We believe numbers in these legacy categories will continue to reduce naturally over time.
- 0.59% decrease in all registrations
- 0.08% decrease in full registrations.
- 4.74% decrease in provisional registrations.
Secondary (Subject) Education registrations by subject
The table below (table 13) shows the number of secondary (subject) education registrations by subject as at 31 March 2023 and 31 March 24. Table 13 also contains the percentage variation over this 12 month period and this is shown on chart 8. Each of the subjects listed in table 13 and chart 8 contain the total number of registrations that relate to the subject descriptor – for example the numbers given for ‘Art and Design’ contain the number of registrations on the Register for ‘Art and Design’ and ‘Art’.
This list of subjects is not exhaustive and additional secondary (subject) education registrations are contained on the Register that are not included below. The subjects listed in table 13 and in chart 8 reflect the subjects listed in the Memorandum on Entry Requirements to Programmes of Initial Teacher Education in Scotland (September 2024) and registration data for registrations connected to, but not necessarily exactly identical to, these listed subjects have been included.
Over time the information we share may begin to identify trends and themes. Given the range of data presented at the current time, care should be taken about drawing any definitive conclusions.
<span id="chart-08" class="table_caption" style="text-align:center; margin: auto; display: block; padding-top: 3.5rem;" fs-test-element="reg-report-title-chart-08">Chart 8: percentage variation in Secondary (Subject) Education registrations from 31 March 2023 to 31 March 2024</span>

We can see from this that the 1.25% decrease in secondary (subject) education registrations is not an even decrease applied across all subjects. Instead we can see that registrations in some subjects increase and registrations in other subjects decrease at a rate greater than 1.25%.
To mitigate for impact on percentages when considering changes to smaller numbers, table 14 below includes the data from table 13 where the subject has a greater number of registrations than 1% of all secondary (subject) education registrations. There are 47,750 secondary (subject) education registrations at 31 March 2024 therefore subjects with registration numbers greater than 478 are included below. Table 14 is arranged to list these subjects by percentage variation.
End of document